Tired of all those doom and gloom predictions for Dubai, is news that Dubai Airport has shown over a seven per cent in the total data traffic in the past year. In addition, five new airlines to offer services from Dubai airport have been removed, which now ranks at number 6 in the list of busiest airports in international traffic (and 15 out of traffic, according to statistics in 2009) started. With the addition of new airlines, has total number of airlines from Dubai International Airport and 130 reached. Remember, this investment came at a time when airlines around the world are in a crisis like situation is desperate and looking to reduce costs through staff reductions and other measures. And it's not just the outside investors, Government of Dubai has also invested heavily in this airport, which is projected to record a whopping 75 million passengers per year in 2011, it will probably take it to the third Place in the world's busiest airports.

These figures are even more impressive when we at other airports that are on top of the list look for example, four of them are the main airports in United States, two in China, then we have the big names such as London Heath row Airport, Tokyo International airport, and the like. As you can see, Dubai is always so much traffic as international cities like London, New York or Tokyo. Aside from the passengers, 1.8 million tons of cargo was also through this airport in 2008. The airport, the operation of only two international flights, began back in 1937, has now become a hub for passengers and cargo from around the world. Currently it has four ports, while another is under construction. Dubai government has worked on the development and expansion of the airport, upon completion, it is estimated that one of the largest airports in the world.
Some people need to think (especially those who were busy trying to tell stories of how Dubai has faltered big time), this road was those foreigners who try this place must be abandoned as soon as possible. Now show, not really, like Dubai tourism statistics just as healthy figure, Dubai is still more tourists than the cities as Paris, London or Singapore, and his season has not even started (Dubai gets most of the tourists in the months July, August and September).

These figures are even more impressive when we at other airports that are on top of the list look for example, four of them are the main airports in United States, two in China, then we have the big names such as London Heath row Airport, Tokyo International airport, and the like. As you can see, Dubai is always so much traffic as international cities like London, New York or Tokyo. Aside from the passengers, 1.8 million tons of cargo was also through this airport in 2008. The airport, the operation of only two international flights, began back in 1937, has now become a hub for passengers and cargo from around the world. Currently it has four ports, while another is under construction. Dubai government has worked on the development and expansion of the airport, upon completion, it is estimated that one of the largest airports in the world.
Some people need to think (especially those who were busy trying to tell stories of how Dubai has faltered big time), this road was those foreigners who try this place must be abandoned as soon as possible. Now show, not really, like Dubai tourism statistics just as healthy figure, Dubai is still more tourists than the cities as Paris, London or Singapore, and his season has not even started (Dubai gets most of the tourists in the months July, August and September).
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